Sunday, May 2, 2010

Anthony Giddens: Modernity and Self-Identity

Civil indifference represents an implicit contract of mutual acknowledgement and protection drawn up by participants in the public settings of modern social life. A person encountering another on the street shows by a controlled glance that the other is worthy of respect, and then by adjusting the gaze that he or she is not a threat to the other; and that other person does the same. In many traditional contexts where the boundaries between those who are 'familiars' and those who are 'strangers' are sharp, people do not possess rituals of civil indifference. They may even avoid the gaze of the other altogether, or stare in a way that would seem rude or threatening in a modern social environment. (p. 47)
Civil indifference - դուրս շատ ա եկել էս արտահայտությունը:

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